Visitor Information
Our weekly Sunday morning service starts at 8:00am. When you arrive, a greeter will welcome you in the foyer, and direct you into the sanctuary. If you arrive after service begins, an usher will advise you when to enter the sanctuary.
Can't attend in-person?
Service Agenda:
Opening Scripture & Prayer
Praise and Worship
Greeting of Each Other
Presentation of Tithes & Offering
Pastoral Emphasis
Pastor Barrett, Sr.
"...God does not make anyone successful. The greatness of God is best revealed in the composition of man who has infinite expressions of will, freedom and self-determination. He was designed by God as the fulfiller of creation and possesses some powers essential to God as his own. Failure to achieve then is not a result of neglect by God, but perhaps a limited, distorted or even misguided initiative on the part of man. All men, Christian or Non-Christian possesses equal capacity for success. God's greatness is in the quality of the man that He made, not in the life that man chooses to live..."
Virtual Candle Lighting
Lighting a Candle for a loved one is a long held tradition in our Church. We invite you to light a virtual candle and to spend a few moments in prayer.